Exterior House Paint Pictures Exterior House Paint Color Help Needed?

Exterior House paint color help needed? - exterior house paint pictures

I need some suggestions for choosing a complementary color here. For the most part of the house you really a color from Sherwin Williams called ripe olives, which is a very bright green fee, and the upholstery is a creamy-white, we want to find d 'a complementary color, not green, paint the roof of the house. Or try brown or silver looks good with green, not black at first try.

On a side note, that our house is resistant plates (no spots) and a good piece of land, a wardrobe of our neighbor is about a mile away, and is a wooded area where we want the house mix as much as possible. I included a link to the image of the front of the house, the only changes we made to those systems that eliminated the third garage on the left side and three small windows above the entrance door, actually a large loft, which over the other two coincide.

http://www.suntelhomedesign.com/suntel/p ...


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