When did you get your period after d&c? - what is your period like after a d and c
Hello I have a D & C last Tuesday was my light and bright red bleeding for about 3 days later. Today (Monday) I'm bleeding, but just as my period starts. I think it is too early for my time than most people do not start there are 4 to 6 weeks.
He began to bleed again after someone was bleeding FD & C and then havent for several days?
What Is Your Period Like After A D And C When Did You Get Your Period After D&c?
3:50 PM
Yes, I was bleeding) for a brief period after my D & C, and then begins to bleed a little (which is approximately 6 weeks or less after the surgery.
However, if I was bleeding very easily, and pain.
I recommend that you leave again in contact with your doctor, you know, they see what happens.
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